Friday, July 3, 2020

Questions on Law Essay - 825 Words

Questions on Law (Essay Sample) Content: 3 Law QuestionsName:Institution:Course:Instructor:Date:Question 1The court ruling on the case Plessy v. Ferguson in the year 1896 initially espoused that if different amenities that were of the same quality were accessible to both the colored Americans and the pure whites, then it would not have been taken to be unconstitutional. The situation remains unchanged for so many years from the time of the ruling. "The issue of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"separate but equalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ was eventually addressed head-on in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) when a group of Black children sought admission to an all-White public schoolà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . This is according to Orthmann, Hess and Harr CITATION Har12 \p 99 \l 1033 (Harr, Hess, Orthmann, 2012, p. 99). The case was among the many other instances that looked into these kinds of concerns affecting the citizens of America. The decision made by the court was unanimous. It upheld that verdict that there was unconstitutional ity in having a separation of the races in the public schools. The unanimous decision caught many by surprise. They wondered how the Supreme Court could reach a unanimous decision concerning his matter.The reasoning that the court relied on was that separate, but equal was rejected in that different schools would not be equal. The court further placed an argument that the black children would have the feeling of being unequal to the white children. Therefore, the education they were undertaking could not be considered to be equal. After this decision by the court, there was smooth integration conducted by the schools in Topeka. However, the continuous integration was not witnessed in other areas. Brown II had to come up with was on how to desegregate the schools. In some regions, the language employed in this process was viewed as a deliberate act to interrupt desegregation in the schools. There was an open enrollment that Brown III had to contend with Parents were to pick the sc hools to be attended by their children. There was further discrimination as the parents from the white families referred their kids to the first-class schools.Question 2When the Constitution of the U.S. was written, not all the states accepted the way it had been written. There were amendments made to help the situation. "The proposed amendments made the Constitution acceptable to many who had opposed ratification." This according to his is according to Orthmann, Hess and Harr CITATION Har12 \p 21 \l 1033 (Harr, Hess, Orthmann, 2012, p. 21). The amendments that were made played a role in shaping the constitution of the U.S. in the contemporary. However, most of the changes that were proposed have not been approved for implementation and ratification. Death Penalty Abolition was one of the suggested amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. It was geared at eliminating capital punishment in the United States. The death penalty was considered as being unpleasant and rare form of p unishment. The proponents of this amendment feel that the sentence is way below the standards of a developed nation and felt that they it should be completely abolished in the country. They feel that capital punishment is not adequate in deterring crimes. The opponent of this amendment has the feeling that this sentence helps in preventing dreadful crimes. Human Life Amendment is the other suggested amendment. The amendment seeks to upend the Roe v. Wade (1973) case. The proponents of the amendment are in contradiction of abortion. They have a feeling that abortion of fetuses is morally wrong. The proponents are customarily considered to be pro-life. The opponents feel that a woman should be given the right to choose whether to give birth or not. The opponents are ordinarily considered pro-choice.Question 3Historically, women have been a subject of discrimination based on their gender. Stereotyping and cultural beliefs have been the basis of this discrimination. The stereotyp es brand women as weaker sex whose primary duties are to be moms and wives hence need protection. This is because the U.S. ...

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